Monday, May 21, 2007

Watchman's Log. (Watch date 5.21.07)

Well not much has happened since my last login nothing big that is. But there where something’s that happened that was fun. On Saturday my friends and I decided to go on a bike ride to one of the summer camp camps that was ten miles away from our campus. The people who went was Zack, Akram, Holy, Christine and me. we had a great time. When we got back we ate dinner then we decided to play some games in the dark so we turned off all the lights in the lodge and we played this came called sardines. Its were one person hides some were in the building and the rest of us wait in another room counting to 100. Then we go out to find the person if one of us finds the person we have to hide with that person until every one has find the place that person was hiding and then the game is over. This game is like hide and go seek but in stead of saying i fond him or her you hide with them. We all so played this came were there is a person who walks round trying to be scary and scar the other people who trying to get three objects that are in different places in the lodge. they have to get these objects and get back to the room they where safe in with out getting cot by the grabber.

well have to go talk to you all next time.

This is Super Sam the watchman signing off.

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