Friday, March 27, 2009

The Watchman's Post watch date 4.4.09

Things here on the campus has been slow but good.
(SBF) started a week and a half ago and the students are studying a lot.
Reminds me when I did my (SBF) back in 2006.
In about one week some of my friends and I will be voluntary working at a youth center called the Garage. What we will be doing is just hanging out with the kids, being friend or big brother to those who may not. I am exited that God has called me to do this. 
God has been reveling some cool things to me since I got back from Thailand.
I feel God is calling me to three places Thailand, Chetek WI, and Ywam North woods.
How this is going to work is this.  
Every year I will go with the teams that go to Thailand and work with them.
Then when I am back in the U.S I will work with the Youth Center in Chetek and during the week when I am not working at the Youth Center, I will be working here at the Ywam North woods Campus. But even thou I have these plans there has been one very important lesson God has been teaching me (Be flexible in what ever you do). Cause you never know when God will call you to do some thing else for a while or for ever. When that happens we need to trust in Him and do it with faith. 
I love God so much and know what every God calls me to do it is good and He knows what He is doing.
I give you this challenge if God is calling you to do some thing, wait for his instruction and then do it.
Well that is all for now.
This is The Watchman signing off.
God bless                          

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Watchman's Post watch date (3.6.2009) Thailand Report

Hey everyone
well I'm back for Thailand and it was a blast.

I am still getting over jet lag and the time zones Thailand has a twelve hour difference from the US. But other than that things are going well.

DTS is over we had the graduation ceremony last Friday.
Now we have three weeks until The School of Biblical Foundations starts so right now we are resting and getting ready for that school.
I bet you are wondering what we did in Thailand, so here are some pictures
to show what we did. I put some thing with the pictures to explain what is in the picture
Me petting a tiger

This is called a Sung Tell it was our main source of getting to places in the city and to get to Nahong.
we had one sung tell packed with our bags and the other we had to ride in. We had 17 people
and we all packed our selves into the back of this thing.

This is my second grad class that another team mate and I taught.

This is our after school ministry were we would teach the kids Bible stories
and just hanging out with the kids.

Me having fun with the kids by trowing them up in the air and catching them.

One of my students (Bree) reading the Bible we gave him.

all the guys on the team and me getting ready to play the village leaders in soccer.

Us playing soccer against the village leaders.

Us make the winning goal.

A really cool looking sun set.

Me at an elephant show.

those are some of the pictures that I have.

I will put the rest of them on photo album blog.
Sam's Photo
well I hope you all are doing well and I hope you enjoyed this news letter
if you want to call me to ask more about it I would be more than happy to talk.
this is The Watchman signing off.